Department Degree Name-Surname Institution Topic
Nutrition and Dietetics Assist. Prof. Maria Ulfa Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Burnout: Why Female Healthcare Worker Suffer More than Male?
Child Development Associate Professor Seher Ersoy Quadir Independent Schooler.  Philadelphia


Supportive measures for children with learning disabilities in US schools.
Social service The Vice-dean Dr. Lina Garšvė Siauliai State higher Education Institution Academic curricula design perspectives toward preparing future specialist at the university
Healthcare Management Prof.Dr. Chi-Chang Chang School of Medical Informatics, Chungshan Medical University, Taiwan. Reflections Towards the Future of the Iron Triangle in Healthcare
Midwifery Associate Professor Filiz Yarıcı Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Doğum Ağrısıyla Uyumlanmada Bir Alternatif: Hypnobirthing
Midwifery Postgraduate Researcher Güldane Damla Kaya University of Surrey Ebelik Eğitiminde İnovasyon